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CWC- Results 6-7-08

CWC/TIWF results from this Past Saturday at the GREATER FAITH INSTITUTE FOR SUCCESS IN Memphis.

The Show began with the match-maker SCOTTY C coming out and introducing the announcers MICHAEL WARD and JASON STORM. As Scotty began to run down the card. RAVISHING RANDY, WILDSIDE and CHRIS LEXX came to the ring demanding to know why they had to wrestle BLACK THUNDER...WILDSIDEclaimed it was HOTROD's (the owner) fault, whcihc comes from the trouble that they have in TIWF..then Chris Lexx complained that HOTROD causes problems at MAW at the New Daisy. They began to inquire bout the friendship that HOTROD and SCOTTY C have and then they attacked SCOTTY C until BLACK THUNDER made the save. SCOTTY then said since he had connections with the ones who held their contracts for TIWF and MAW that if they lost the match, they wold lost their contracts and therefore would not be able to wrestle for thier respective organizations. WILDSIDE and LEXX became livid and left the area.
Jason Maddrox def Samoan Raja
Big Boy Bob def the Xecutioner and The Convict in two separate 5 count challenges

Wildside/Chris Lex def Black Thunder (Dre Black & Johnny Thunder)

Blaylok the Blazer def Hardknocks Hooligan

Elevation (Kaution & Kronos) def X3 (Steven Rampage & Oz)

Danny Be Good def Carnage Antwane

Credit: Hotrod Rodney Howard


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